Thursday, May 26, 2016

School's out for summer!

School's out and I'm off work until August.  No bandaids, ice packs, broken bones, tummy aches, or sore throats until August.  Las Vegas trip with Frank's dad -- done.  Time to get serious about some clean eating.  And some good, clean summer fun!

Lost it all in Vegas and had to go here:
Just kidding.  We just stopped in because we have seen Pawn Stars on TV.

We went to Nacho Mama and I challenged Frank to try the scorpion shot.  
He did it!  Video is here, if you're curious.

I had a refrigerator full of fresh produce, a resolve to begin clean eating, and a previously arranged lunch date with granddaughter, Kaitlyn.  She chose IHop.  Oops.  She chose the birthday cake pancakes, with sprinkles throughout, covered with frosting and whipped topping, and she added some syrup.  With a large mug of hot cocoa topped with whipped topping.  What else to do on a rainy day? We went shopping and went to look at the baby swans.  

Anyway, day 1 of my clean eating went like this:  For breakfast, a smoothie made from orange juice, frozen pineapple and mango chunks, and a celery stalk.  Pretty good, but unlike some veggies you can add to smoothies, you can taste the celery.  Good and fresh nonetheless. 
I actually did pretty good at IHOP with a Tuscan omelet made with spinach, onions, and peppers.  Some potato chunks.  Coffee with cream.  Half a pancake because, you know, it was IHOP.  
Snacked on some nuts and dried fruits when I got home.  
Dinner was cauliflower grilled cheese sandwich using this recipe, sweet potato fries, and fruit cup with blueberries, blackberries, and honeydew melon.  

All in all, a pretty successful first day.

P.S. I spent about an hour on the two grilled cheese.  During that time, I kept thinking how much easier it would be to have just grabbed a couple slices of bread, but my cauliflower "bread" was healthy and an interesting experiment.